Suggestions to consider when naming your pooch
Suggestions to consider when naming your pooch Dogs are commonly referred to as “man’s best friend,” Bow Wow meows has a wide range of pet name to select from. 1. Names often reflect the character of your pet. Observe your dog for a few days and see if his personality suggests a name. 2. Pick a name that the pet can easily recognise. Animals respond better to one or two syllable names. Such as “Sadie” or “Rocky.” 3. Avoid names that sound like commands. Names like “Joe” sound like “no” when called. 4. Choose a name that's both easy to call out and one that you are happy calling out. Calling out a good name in the park may be far less embarrassing. 5. If you have more than one dog, consider choosing names that go well together, but also think how they will sound separately because the dogs may not always be together. 6. If choosing a long name keep in mind the shortened version. 7. Pick a name that will grow with the pet. For example, "Fuzz...