Bad Breath in Dogs
Bad Breath in Dogs Bad breath is the result of a build-up of odor-producing bacteria in your dog’s mouth, lungs, or gut. Bad breath indicates that your dog needs better dental care or that something is wrong in his gastrointestinal tract, liver, or kidneys. Bad breath also known as halitosis. Bad breath in your canine is caused by dental or gum disease and certain dogs are prone to plaque. Persistent bad breath can also indicate larger medical problems in the mouth, respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract, or internal organs. Treatment fo r bad breath depends on your vet’s diagnosis. If it because of plaque, your dog might require a professional cleaning. Issue in your canine's diet, then you might have to change your dog’s regular food. Prevention is better than cure. Here are some of the tips maintain bad breath in your canine. 1. Brush your canine teeth regularly. ( Make sure you use the toothpaste fromulated for dogs). 2. Reguar check ups with ...