
Showing posts from May, 2017

Bad Breath in Dogs

Bad Breath in Dogs Bad breath is the result of a build-up of odor-producing bacteria in your dog’s mouth, lungs, or gut.  Bad breath indicates that your dog needs better dental care or that something is wrong in his gastrointestinal tract, liver, or kidneys. Bad breath also known as halitosis. Bad breath in your canine is caused by dental or gum disease and certain dogs are prone to plaque. Persistent bad breath can also indicate larger medical problems in the mouth, respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract, or internal organs. Treatment fo r bad breath depends on your vet’s diagnosis. If it because of plaque, your dog might require a professional cleaning. Issue in your canine's diet, then you might have to change your dog’s regular food. Prevention is better than cure. Here are some of  the tips maintain bad breath in your canine. 1. Brush your canine teeth regularly. ( Make sure you use the toothpaste fromulated for dogs). 2. Reguar check ups with ...

How to identify if your dog has ticks or fleas

How to identify if your dog has ticks or fleas Fleas are never fun and can be very uncomfortable for your pet. Once they make a home on your pet, they are quick to cause irritation. If a flea lands on your pet’s skin, it can begin laying eggs on the dogs fur. Ticks are troublesome parasites that can cause a variety of problems for your pet. But spotting these tiny bloodsuckers isn’t always easy. If you believe that your pet has contracted fleas or ticks, it is best to take care of the situation quickly.  If you have never dealt with a flea/Tick problem, to better help your pet get the care and treatment it needs, here are some signs your pet might have a flea or tick problem. 1. If you find Ticks in Your Home If you come across a tick on your bedding, carpets, or on the floor, you or your dog probably bought it in the house. Now, Check your dog and do a closer examination. Now that you have examined your dog it time to clean the home with a tick control solutio...

Do Dogs Dream?

Do Dogs Dream? Your dog is fast asleep, when suddenly he starts whimpering, moving his legs or tail, or engaging in some other odd behavior. Is your dog dreaming? After all, it’s not like the dog can confirm this by waking up and telling us what he or she was dreaming about. Though we may never get an absolute confirmation, there are a plenty of scientific evidence to point to the fact that dogs do dream. In fact, scientists believe that dogs not only dream as we do, but also that they dream similarly to us, meaning that they replay moments from their day while they're fast asleep.  Researchers using an electroencephalogram (EEG) have tested canine brain wave activity during sleep. They've found that dogs are similar to humans when it comes to sleep patterns and brain wave activity. Small dogs do it more, Research suggests that small dogs dream more than larger dogs. Though it may be surprising to witness your dog acting out in sleep, the behaviour is completel...


10 BEST FRUIT FOR YOUR DOGS Fruits and vegetables for dogs can rev up important nutrients in their diet. Plus they make a great way to supplement and treat without adding too many calories. Of course, certain fruits and vegetables will be better for your dog than others. Take a look at some of the fruits and vegetables should you be feeding. Remember that dogs do not have the same nutritional requirements as people, so you don't need to include any of these fruits or vegetables for dogs in large quantities.. 1. Apples Apples are good source of vitamin A and C, which is good for overall health. Many varieties contain antioxidants.  The main ingredient in apples is pectin, a fiber that creates short chain fatty acids.  These are responsible for removing toxins in the intestinal tract, improving the muscles surrounding the intestines and aid in removing bad bacteria. Caution :  Do not allow your dog to eat the core including the seeds.  So sl...

What You Should Have in Your Pet's First-Aid Kit

Everyone who shares a home with a pet should have a basic pet first-aid kit on hand. Since you never know when an accident will happen, keeping a pet emergency kit at your home is a good idea. A smaller kit could be used in the car. One way to start your kit is to buy a first-aid kit designed for people and add pet-specific items to it. You can also purchase a pet first-aid kit from a pet-supply store. But you can easily assemble your own kit by gathering the items on our lists below. Pet-specific supplies • Pet first-aid book • Emergency Contact details: your veterinarian, emergency vet clinic, Pet ambulance details. • Vaccination record of you pet. you can save it online on update the info here • Current photo of your pet. • Nylon leash • Self-cling bandage (bandage that stretches and sticks to itself but not to fur) • Muzzle or strips of cloth to prevent biting Basic first-aid supplies • Absorbent gauze pads • Adhesive tape • Antiseptic wipes, lo...

Activities that makes your dog happy

Activities that makes your dog happy Finding things to do with your dog is important, and finding new things to do can take some extra time. Like people, dogs have a ton of activities that make them happy. Some of them might seem puzzling to you as an owner, but they make perfect sense when you know a little about your dog’s instincts, biology and social preferences. Doing fun activities together not only strengthens your bond, but also provides physical and mental stimulation that will make your pet happy. Here we have compiled a few activities that make your pet more happier. Here's a list of things to do with your dog: 1. Go on a walk tour. 2. Throw birthday bash of your pet. 3. Go shopping together in a pet-friendly store. 4. Go on a camping trip 5. Go on a joyful bike ride on moped. 6. Curl up together for an afternoon nap. 7. Play a game of hide-and-seek. 8. Take him to a nearby beach 9. Visit an off-leash dog park where yo...


We love to share food with our dogs, and since some foods are healthy for us, we often assume that they’re healthy for our pets, too. This is often the case, but that certainly doesn’t mean it’s always the case. There's a ton of foods you probably didn't know about that can actually be really bad for your dog, including some that are perfectly healthy for humans. The most important thing with pet care is knowing what you can and can't feed your dog. After all, there's nothing worse than having your dog suffer over a simple mistake in diet. So if you plan on sharing some snacks with your pup, make sure you don’t feed him or her anything you find on this list! This is not an exhaustive list, and any decision to provide your pet with food not specifically intended for animals should be discussed with your veterinarian or pet nutritionist. 1 Chocolate Chocolate is one of the most common foods that is bad for dogs, as it contains caffeine and theobromine which fa...