Bengaluru: The Karnataka police has issued a notification that will let people adopt dogs, retired from their police duties. These dogs have been a part of criminal investigations and are currently sent to animal welfare organizations. There are about 280 police dogs and each dog's wholesome food costs about 8000-9000 INR every month. Bhaskar Rao, ADGP (Crime and Technical) says, These police dogs share an emotional relationship with their handlers and when they are separated suddenly, they die. Handlers cannot adopt the dogs as their houses are very small. Every year, about 25 police dogs die. The police dogs are mostly German Shepherds, Doberman and Labradors. In Bengaluru, there are 59 dogs and 150 handlers taking care of them. Their training starts at three months of age and by nine months, they are trained in basic house manners, obedience, commands, tracking, sniffing, hurdle-crossing, etc. Priya Chetty-Rajagopal, executive director of RGF India, who started the cam...